If you are just now looking into architecture schools, you should know that one of the major differences is how the professionally accredited degrees are delivered. Generally, schools have the option to provide a five year professionally accredited bachelors degree (B. Arch) or a four year unaccredited bachelors degree with a professionally accredited two year masters degree (M. Arch). Why "professionally accredited?" MOST states require it for licensure.
These two paths have unique characteristics that may or may not appeal to your individual needs/desires and I have listed some of these below. FULL DISCLOSURE: I received a 5-year degree from the University of Oklahoma and so far it has served me very well, so I may be a little biased.
5 B. Arch
● Finished faster - less cost and/or debt and you start making an income sooner.
● Professional classes come earlier so you may learn to put a building together sooner.
● Can still go back to get a one or two year Masters degree that can be self directed and exploratory without the need for professional requirements.
● Typical undergraduate scholarships may be able to be extended through year 5.
● Generally, courses are more technical and professionally based.
● Slightly less pay. Possibly harder to find a job
● Perception of lower education.
● Perception of graduating in 5 years with "only" a master’s degree. Your Liberal Arts friends will not understand.
● Generally not qualified to teach at a collegiate level without the M. Arch.
4+2 M. Arch
● Can switch schools after four years to get other experiences and professors.
● Can have a non professional undergrad degree and take a wider array of courses.
● Generally, undergrad courses are more theory and design based.
● Can take time to work and earn IDP experience before going back to school for a masters degree.
● Can change your focus and go into a field other than architecture. You are not as locked down.
● Sometimes courses overlap and you have to retake them.
● More cost/debt.
● Sometimes very hard to go back and get that masters portion if you enter the field after four years.
Please feel free to leave comments and questions. We would love to hear from you.
Brad Grigsby, Assoc. AIA
Architectural Intern at Corgan Associates, Inc.
Your writers are enormously large.
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