Downtown Lighting Boom
Wednesday, May 30th was full of beer, great talk, and “light fares". Architecture on Tap kicked off its 2012 year of five interactive discussions last month.
Guest speakers included Scott Lowe, LEED AP with 5G Studio Collaborative; Scott Oldner, Owner of Scott Oldner lighting design, LLC; Dustin Bullard, ASLA with Downtown Dallas, Inc.; and Hoyt Hammer AIA Principal at The Beck Group.
If you weren’t in attendance you missed out on some insightful discussion about how lighting plays a very important role in defining Dallas. A couple of the projects that were topics of discussion were the new Omni Hotel and the Hunt Oil headquarters building. Both of these projects have a multitude of exterior lighting that helps define the Dallas skyline at night.
Lighting plays an import part in the average Dallas inhabitant’s night life. Although your first thought might be safety, consider how the amount and quality of lighting can change your view of your environment. Victory Park lights up Dallas with high energy and encourages local sport enthusiasm, whilst the lit ball atop Reunion Tower lets you know exactly where you are as you drive along any highway within ten miles.
If you missed out on this lecture, be sure to join us next month! Everyone is welcome: architect or architectural enthusiast alike!
Luke Archer
JHP Architecture / Urban Design