Tuesday, February 21, 2012

IDP 2.0 - Do you know what's changing?

April 2, 2012 - The e-EVR system (electronic Verification Reporting) will be shut down and will not be available until April 5, 2012, in order to allow for the conversion to the new IDP 2.0 system. What will change?

• Seven work settings become experience settings A, O, and S.
• Launch of new experience categories, areas, and core minimum hour requirement.
• New electronic system to report IDP experience in My NCARB.

4 training categories:
  • Pre-Design 260 hours
  • Design 2,600 hours
  • Project Management 720 hours
  • Practice Management 160 hours
  • Elective hours 1,860 hours
  • Total hours 5,600 hours

NEW RULE - your supervisor will not have to be licensed in the state in which you are currently completing your IDP.
Don't Panic!
  • Visit the links below for a complete list of the new rules
  • NCARB has implemented a very helpful calculator that will show you exactly how your current hours will rollover into the new system. See link below  It is important to know that if you have currently completed a training category, you will NOT be required to meet the new required minimum hours. You will be considered exempt. However, if you do not currently meet the minimum hours needed, you will be required to meet the new requirement.
    • example
      •  If you do not have 120 hours completed in Engineering Systems Coordination by the April deadline, you will then need to complete a total of 360 hours in this category.
      • Bob had 100 hours of Engineering Systems Coordination by April 5th, he now needs an additional 260 hours in order to complete this category.
  • The total number of interning hours needed is remaining 5,600. However, some categories will have less hours than before, while others will have more hours in each training area.
  • As always, we recommend that the first step you do is to download the IDP2.0 handbook and read the few pages in the packet. This packet lists several helpful tips and examples.

Click here for information on changes to the IDP system
Click here for the conversion calculator to see how your hours will transfer
Click here for an interactive chart to view the new category breakdowns

Monday, February 20, 2012

2012 ARE Lecture Series

Our 2012 ARE lecture series kicks off February 28th with Architectural History. Use the link below to sign up!


2012 ARE Structures Seminar - March 9-11th

What a great way to start your ARE testing experience or for some of you, to get back into that testing mode! Professor Thaddeus is once again making his debut in Dallas to share his 3 day structures seminar.
Registration is now up on the web. Please pass this information along to anyone you know who might be interested in attending.
